Pray for those who govern. Pray for God to bring into office those men and women at every level of government who would be people after His heart. People that would bring biblical values back into the mainstream. I am in awe how the Lord used this three-year old work on the Internet to generate such an incredible prayer effort for yesterdays election. I believe in my heart that we did all that we could do, and now it is up those who were elected to fulfill this great responslibity the people have given to them.

The Supreme court will make many critical decisions. As you may know, if they overturn Roe v. Wade, it simply means that this issue shifts back to the states. That is fine. The Federal government has no business putting its stamp of approval on the killing of innocent babies. Does that mean abortion will stop? Of course not. It does mean however that the Federal government will no longer be in the business of facilitating this activity. On all of these issues like abortion, drugs, and gambling, you can't legislate behavior. Change has to come one heart at a time. However, the government has no business facilitating any of these activities.

I am hopeful for this great nation of ours. God put this burden in my Spirit many, many months ago about the importance of this time we are living in. We have so much to offer the world. We have so many possibilities. So many opportunities. The only thing that can stop us is ourselves. The moral decay of the last 40 years is the only thing that can destroy this great nation. Is government the answer? Absolutely not. The answer my friends is the Body of Christ, the church of Jesus Christ, to get busy sharing with this lost and dying world that the only hope we have is in the Lord Jesus Christ. We have the incredible opportunity in the last days to see a mighty harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. We have the greatest technology ever known to man to share Jesus Christ with the world. The prosperity, the blessings this country has been given by God's grace, has been so that we can freely share with the world the Gospel. We must never take for granted the opportunity God has given us, and capitalize on it while it is still light.

I know not everyone will be happy with those people that have been elected into office. Regardless who is, never forget, it is all part of God's plan. We have a duty, a commandment from God to pray for those He has placed in leadership. That is not an option. May God continue to bless this great land of ours. May we not squander His blessings, and use this great opportunity to be busy sharing the love and hope we have in Jesus Christ with the world.

***The greatest strength of our country is that it gives us the freedom and opportunity to share Christ with all the people of the world. MAY GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller