PRISCILLA'S TESTIMONY To one and all: I am Blessed beyond measure and want to thank you for your concern and prayers during my recovery these pass 7 months! I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer back in May, 2003. This past month, March 2005, I underwent all kinds of tests. A few days ago, my Doctor called and said all is well with you Priscilla, all is well! I can now shout for joy and say I am cancer free! \o/\o/\o/ Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord! \o/\o/\o/ My oncologist is
still amazed at how well my body tolerated the chemo therapy.. On each
visit (Dr. Ardman) would smile and shake his
head and say, "I'm
still overwhelmed at your progress." He knew he was part of a miracle
in progress. \o/ So many people came forward to pray and lay hands on
me. So many
Warriors to thank from near and far. For my loving Family who embraced
me through it all, to Pastor Hal and Dawn, who diligently had prayer
time for me each
day and every week. The loving members from Church, who called or came
to my home
and encouraged and Blessed me with their Love.. To each one who sent
me flowers and cards of encouragement, I thank you.. To my online prayer
partners, thank
God your always just an email away, God Bless you.. And to my friend
Scott Hamrick a Prophet of God, who drove all the way from Georgia with
his family
to Massachusetts,
because the Lord called upon him to come and lay hands on me!!! To Scott
and Dee, to your son and daughter, thank you so much for your obedience
to God.
I know you will be Blessed beyond measure dear friends. Am I Blessed
or am I Blessed!
Praise You Jesus! There is no way I could ever thank each of you properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |